Natur Pet- Healing Spay for Dogs & Cats-100ml
NaturPet’s HEALING SPRAY is a first aid antiseptic spray that contains no essential oils. Whether your pet is simply curious or apt to get into a fight, scratches, bites, or open cuts can become a problem if they become infected. For ear infections try EAR DROPS for added comfort.
• Works well for cat fight wounds, surface cuts or scratches, boils or abscesses, and insect bites.
• Reduces swelling and inflammation.
• Cleans and protects wounds.
• Prevents and treats infections with its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
• Speeds up the healing process.
• Suitable for both cats and dogs
Animal bite wounds are very prone to infection because of bacteria found on teeth. Deeper wounds that may need suturing should be seen by the Vet.
Dosing Instructions:
Spray several times a day to affected area until healed. If pet is biting or chewing the wound area, try spraying directly on gauze pad and wrap the affected area. Change the dressing 3-4 times a day until healed.
Helpful Hints:
• If cuts are open, they may sting momentarily when sprayed. Give your pet a hug or two!
• Trimming long-hair in area of wound helps to keep area clean and easy to tend.
• Prevent infection – Check for wounds regularly and treat quickly.